KANVASHRAM is neither a religious nor a godly place but a place which represents the very spirit or soul of this mighty nation BHARAT. To bring such a place back to its pinnacle of glory should be the dream and ambition of every citizen of this nation. Every nation has monuments which are symbol of its national unity and inspiration to its citizens. Dignitaries & people from far and wide visit such site and pay glowing tributes to the creator or architect of that nation. NO SUCH MEMORIAL EXISTS IN OUR NATION WHICH HONOURS THE CREATOR OF THIS ANCIENT CIVILISATION. Though a considerable time has been lost, but to make amends at this late stage may still be sufficient motivation to the coming generation to hold this vast stretch of land mass together like Emperor Bharat did. So that it continues to be respectfully addressed to as " BHARAT VARSH". Read more
What can be greater misfortune of this nation for it does not even have a monumentor
memorial where its citizen can pay tribute to this nation’s creator “Emperor BHARAT”.
इस देश का इस से बडा दुर्भाग्य क्या हो सकता है कि उसके पास इस देश के जनक “चक्रर्वती स्रमाठ भरत” को उसके नागरिको दारा श्रद्धाजंली देने के लिए कोई
स्मारक तक नही है।